Our Name and Logo

Cross Fields was named with our desire for a brighter future and a better world, which is based on two key words of our mission, “To provide people opportunities to work CROSSing the boundaries of their own FIELDS”. The word, “FIELDS,” is plural to indicate not only the sectors of Public, Private and Social, but also to include boundaries such as country, philosophy and preconceived ideas. We truly believe that the experience of crossing over these fields will make a better tomorrow.
The logo of Cross Fields comes from the image of a ship making its voyage in a stormy sea, which represents the current situation in Japan that is facing various complicated social issues. We think that three major sectors of Public, Private and Social should cooperate to address those issues and form a shared outlook of the world that points to the direction that the society should move towards, like an arrow. Lastly, our color of red symbolizes the passion of each individual, which is the driving force to move towards betterment of the world.