Through our 6th year, on top of our activities, Cross Fields reexamined the organization vision and mission as a team. After multiple discussion and workshops, we took the significant step of changing our mission. In order to realize our vision, we believe that it is important to analyse our impact and continually make changes to our activities in light of the current social landscape. With Corporate Volunteering Program (CVP) continuing to be our main activity, we strive to share our vision and mission with more people through other activities such as Workshop, Field Study and Social Enterprise/NGO Support.
Bridge Beyond the Border
Encourage Challengers
Together Create the Future
*With the Japanese version of our mission finalized, we are currently discussing the English phrase. The above might have a slight alteration.
Bridge Beyond the Border
Encourage Challengers
Together Create the Future
*With the Japanese version of our mission finalized, we are currently discussing the English phrase. The above might have a slight alteration.
Cross-Border Collaboration: Building Inclusive and Sustainable Society in Indonesia and Japan

*This project is made possible by the grant from the Toyota Foundation.
In search of new Support Programs for NGOs and Social Enterprises

Expanding CVP to Malaysia:
Hitachi-Omron Terminal Solutions, Corp. x TONIBUNG

Among all the work Mr.Horii had done, developing an effective information sharing system was his biggest contribution. He tried various approaches to get the system to function efficiently. He also taught TONIBUNG members about the usability and effectiveness of the IT system, so that members can understand the importance of using it to make their work more efficient. Through this experience, Mr. Horii realized that making a system is not the most difficult part of the work, but engaging people to use the system sustainably is the biggest challenge. TONIBUNG members were delighted to learn and use the system to improve their activities.

Celebrating the 6th Year of our Foundation

Welcoming our First overseas Intern from India!

Message from Mr. Vishal Kannan:

Copyright © 2017 CROSS FIELDS, All rights reserved.
We send this newsletter to those who have kindly shown interest in and extend support to CROSS FIELDS’ work.
Our mailing address is:
Cross Fields
4F Machihara Building, 3-8-3 Nishigotanda
Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0031