On behalf of the Cross Fields team, I hope that our partners, friends and your loved ones are healthy and well in this very uncertain and trying time.
In the light of the COVID-19 outbreak and the limitations in movements both internationally and nationally, Cross Fields has suspended the operations of many of our overseas programs, including the Corporate Volunteering Program (CVP). However, we are keeping our spirit high as our team continue to work together to envision the society of “new normal”, to understand the needs of our partners and to consider what Cross Fields can do now.
One of the movements is designing new ways of collaboration. Building a novel model of Cross-partnership among Cross Fields, The Bridge International (The Bridge) in Korea and Tohe in Vietnam is our first experiment. Our recent video talks with The Bridge and Tohe, introduced in this newsletter, will clarify to you this partnership.
Another is improving our existing programs so that when the time comes to restart the overseas programs, the upgraded version will be ready to create further social impacts. The recent dialogue with our partners in Vietnam is a part of this movement. With their frank comments and insights into their experiences as the host organizations of CVP, we will work hard to enhance our programs further.
In this newsletter, we also would like to introduce two project managers. They are looking forward to working with more host organizations soon!
Cross-partnership- Cross Fields, The Bridge International (Korea) & Tohe (Vietnam)

In December 2019, Cross Fields and The Bridge International (The Bridge) in Korea, which shares common interests in social impacts creation with Cross Fields, signed a MoU for the partnership.
Founded in 2014 with head office in Seoul, Korea, The Bridge provides an innovative online financing platform, for social enterprises in developing countries, to seek low-risk, flexible loan capital, in social impact projects or business growing.
Today we could realize our first pilot initiative to cross-collaborate with Tohe, a social enterprise in Vietnam and a partner of Cross Fields, by connecting Tohe to the online financing platform of The Bridge.The Bridge’s “Impact Donation”, which is an impact financial scheme similar to crowdfunding, will support Tohe in developing digital art education for kids in all Vietnam (50% of fund), designing & producing education games for kids (both with and without disabilities) (30%), marketing these new products and business activities (20%).
Commenting on our cross-partnership, Ms. Jeewon (Impact Financing Program Manager at The Bridge), said that:
“ This first project with Tohe is a small step in our partnership, but from this, we can develop opportunities for further collaboration. After COVID-19, using virtual space, we can share knowledge, expand our networks with more stakeholders into the mission of supporting social entrepreneurs, not only financing and volunteering but also raising their visibility into our ecosystem.”Tohe and Ms. Van (CEO of Tohe) highly appreciated this cross-partnership and they are very much looking forward to the success of the project with The Bridge, since it can help “ make our cash flow stronger in developing new products. It’s valuable under the current condition when our sales and operation is badly affected by COVID-19”. Ms. Van also says,
“ I am happy and satisfied with what we have done. The projects with Cross Fields so far are helpful and effective to us. I believe the successes come from the fact that Cross Fields knows us very well, our philosophy and spirit”

CVP and its impacts: Through the eyes of host organizations from Vietnam

On April 21st 2020, we were delighted to have an online talk with three CEOs of social enterprises from Vietnam. They are our partners, to whom we have dispatched many corporate volunteers over the years. The CEOs told us about the impacts of CVP in their enterprises, the challenges working with the volunteers, and their expectations on Cross Fields.
Q. What impacts did CVP create in your company?

Q. What challenges did you have in working with the volunteers?

Firstly, time is limited to only 4 weeks. Then, language was a barrier. Neither staff at Solar Serve nor the volunteer could speak English fluently. But in the first week, two Project Managers from Cross Fields accompanied the corporate volunteer and helped us get along well with him.

Q. In what ways can corporate volunteers build up the proactive and social mindset?

Social mind should come from within volunteers.
It is hard to educate them, but CVP can open the chance to learn and practice the mindset.

Q. What do you expect Cross Fields to improve in the future?

We prefer longer time allocation.Also, if you want to bring about really effective impacts, matchmaking should be more attended to select those who fits the needs of the organization.

Messages from Project Managers

Through the 4 years of working at Cross Fields, I have had the wonderful opportunities to meet such inspiring social entrepreneurs and teams, who have touched my life and give me energy to move forward. I truly appreciate the invaluable experiences. It is my strong wish to weather this storm together with our partners and collaborate with you once again in the near future.
ーTomoko Kitagawa

For the past 9 years since Cross Fields’ establishment, we’ve met and worked with almost 100 wonderful partner organizations. We treasure and appreciate each single encounter and bond. Knowing the fact that you are always making the most for the people, communities and society encourages us to move forward. Let’s get over this difficult time together! We sincerely look forward to collaborate once again with you in the near future! ーSayumi Nishikawa
Copyright © 2020 CROSS FIELDS, All rights reserved.
We send this newsletter to those who have kindly shown interest in and extend support to CROSS FIELDS’ work.
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Cross Fields
4F Machihara Building, 3-8-3 Nishigotanda
Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0031